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Odette Lunettes glasses case
Odette Lunettes
Roel Vandebeek
03 October 2017
21 December 2017
Moments of Inspiration 2, Modo10, Sketchfab, Adobe Illustrator
Roel Vandebeek designed these cases for Belgian glasses company Odette Lunettes. The design of the case is based on the O of the firm's logo. The cases, made out of tin, are very sturdy and layered with felt on the inside. They come in two sizes: black for regular glasses, white for sunglasses.
All cases have magnets fit behind the felt, which allows for easy and impossible stacking for an enormous variety of display possibilities.
Check the images below for some screenshots and renders of the design process and some photographs of the final product.
Check out the 3D model of the glasses case below the pictures.